Nutcracker Museum

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June 2018 Newsletter from The Nutcracker Lady

In the nutcracker collecting world, those nutcrackers, mostly from Germany, in the shape of a human, with a lever in the back to open the mouth, are called “Wooden Toy Soldier Nutcrackers”. While they were first made to crack nuts, many makers today only make them for decoration. Here are trivia questions for this type of nutcracker.
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Fuchtner Design Miner
: Modern Day   Right: 1870

1. What is the German word for “Nutcracker”
ANSWER - The German word for ‘nutcracker’ is ‘nussknacker’.

2. Many wooden toy soldier nutcrackers are made in the Erzgebirge - Where is the Erzgebirge and what does the name mean?
ANSWER - The meaning of “Erzgebirge” is “Ore Mountains”. It is located in the southern part of East Germany boarding the the Czech Republic. It was under the control of the Soviet Union after World War II until the wall between East and West Germany came down in 1989.

3. When were the first wooden toy soldiers made?
ANSWER - The first wooden toy soldiers made their appearance around 1800, but it was not until late in the 19th century that they became a prominent part of the Erzgebirge toy production.

4. Why were the first nutcrackers made as kings and soldiers?
ANSWER - The first nutcrackers were made as kings, soldiers and policemen because at the time, the people were oppressed by those in authority, and they loved having those figures of authority working for them instead, cracking the hard nuts of life.

5. What man is known as the “Father of the Nutcrackers”, and why?
ANSWER - Wilhelm Feuchtner (1844-1923) of Seiffen. His design and body proportions were used as the prototype for many of the makers in the Erzgebirge, and is still being used today. The Feuchtner family is now in its 7th generation of nutcracker makers.

6. Why are most wooden toy soldiers male figures?
ANSWER - The mouth of the wooden toy soldier nutcracker has to be cut in a straight line, giving the nutcracker a ‘mean’ look. Ladies need to look pretty, so usually their mouth is painted on the head, and the nut actually is cracked under the chin.

7. How many steps does it take to complete a wooden toy soldier nutcracker?
ANSWER - From the cutting of the wood to the final packaging, it takes 120 to 130 steps.

8. Who are the major makers of wooden toy soldiers today?
ANSWER - Until his death in 2007, Christian Steinbach was the largest producer of nutcrackers. Today the workshops of Christian Ulbricht is the leading maker followed by Richard Glasser, Seiffener Volkskunst, and KWO.

9. How many nutcracker designs came from the Steinbach workshops?
ANSWER - Between 1949 and today about 900 different nutcracker designs were created in the Steinbach workshops.

Arlene Wagner, The Nutcracker Lady

Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum





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Contact Us

735 Front Street
P.O. Box 2212
Leavenworth, WA 98826

(509) 548-4573

11:00PM - 5:00PM Daily

We suggest visitors arrive at the museum at least 30 minutes before closing.

Nutcracker Lady Gift Shop

Nutcracker Museum Mission Statement:

"To foster and encourage the interest of the general public of the importance of nuts in the diets of humans throughout history and in the evolution of the nutcracker. No other tool or collectible has shown such a wide diversity of material and design as the implements used to crack the hard shell of a nut".

Museum Admission:

Adults  - $5.00  (Ages 17 - 64yrs)
Seniors - $3.50  (Age 65yrs +)
Youth   - $2.00  (Ages 6 - 16yrs)
Child    - FREE   (Ages 0 - 5yrs)
Active Military - FREE (Spouse & Children Free with ID)